Mr. Tarantino?
Never stop making us think.
I'll pay you money.
Mr. Tarantino?
Never stop making us think.
I'll pay you money.
t=5 months!
Let's see, it took 5 flashes for t to =4 months.
%u2234 Assuming that this is the standard, if 1 month = 5 flashes and (t) now equals 4 months remaining minus episode 6, then (5F)X(4M)-1=
A dead Professor Layton in 19 animations.
And suddenly...
...His shirt is off.
Oh dear. I can't get this series out of my head. XD
I made my self a refreshing cup of tea and tried hard to drink it before it went cold, but damned if I couldn't stop laughing to get there in time...
From the bottom of my cold, aching little heart.
Love the story. <3
Bullseye observation.
Howsabout one from the perspective of the developer?
Now I gotta go play this game. There goes my WHOLE morning!
More please. :)
HAH. Sorry to "dissappoint" you =P. Glad you liked it.
Stupendous stuff!
Simply excellent morphs.
Do you utilise Flash's shape-tween feature at all?
no, i find it hard to control for anything complex. For me it's easier to just draw every frame.
Awesome! I didn't watch the whole thing, but...
The best part was the bit where one reviewer wrote in a giant Ascii picture of a nude chick.
Hilarious! Keep it up!
The bit with the Door actually made me burst out laughing.
That freaky, better-than-vector style of artwork you've got there is just amazing. Keep it up!
I could watch this forever...
So very excellent.
Peace by wretched piece.
Age 44, Male
Nerf herder
No way!
Residence? --evil...
Joined on 8/20/04